
Խ. Աբովյանի շրջագայությունները 1838-1847թթ.

During the years of Abovyan’s working inspector many foriegn scientists arrives in Yerevan to make investigations. By authorities’ order Abovyan guided during the travells deserved their gratitude.

In Spring 1838 Abovyan toured with baron senator P. Haan. The German scientist Haann was snt by Nicholas I to investigate Transcaucasia for the purpose of working out a plan on administrative reconstruction.

On April 5, 1843 Abovyan got a letter according to which he must travel with a Bavarian scientist doctor Mavrikios Wagner. Wagner came Armenia for geological investigations. In 1852 M. Wagner published the work ‘Journey to Ararat highlands’, which gives information about investigation.

In 1842 Aovyan was offered to travel with a German scientist, travvller, secret councillor August Haxthausen. He was a Prussian officical, researcher of agrararian relations. Baron was very pleased with the five day journey. In his work ‘Transcaucasian territory’ Haxthausen wrote about impressions of the voyage and tells his gratitude to Abovyan and mentioned that he got the main information from Abovyan.

There was an document testifying that Abovyan after travelling with Haxthausen went on a tour with a some Liven. There is no information about this traveller and by who order Abovyan accompanied him.

The next journey was in May 1844 with a German poet Friedrich Bodenstedt. He was famous with his translations. Bodenstedt came to Yerevan to collect and write down national songs of the Armenians and other nations living in Armenia. The travelling impressions and investigations were put in the voluminous book ‘One thousand and one day in the East’ and ‘Memories from my life’.

In 1844 Abovyan travelled with a German botanist Karl Koch. Abovyan helped Koch to make scientific observations in collecting and assorting plants.

In 844 Abovyan travelled as well with a chief of Geological department of Derpt University Hermaan Abich. He intended to ascend Ararat, but after two trials they failed. The reason of the fails was the unfavourable weather.

Later on H. Abich published the investigations of this scientific expedition.

At the beginnig of 1845 Abovyan on his own went on a tour to the settlements of the Kurds and Yezdis living in the Eastern Armenia. Abovyan made investigations about these people’s customs and later on wrote ethnographic works and became one of the founders of ethnography in our reality.

In 1846 on September 14-19 Abovyan went on a tour with an English traveller Henry Denbi Seimour. This noble foreigner used to travel in the eastern countries; returning from India, passing through Persia Seimour comes to Russia and in Tiflis after official meetings  he got a permission to explore Ararat enviroment. He wants to see the consequences of the earthquake of 1840. After examining the consequences of the earthquake Seimour intended to ascend the top of Ararat accompanied by Abovyan. Owing to favourable weather on September 18 as Abovyan writes. ‘…It seems Ararat never has been so affectionate to a traveller… This time fell to my lot to be the first to worship the sacred setllement of the forefather of the human race. The top of the mountain is a flat, a little hardened rough and comfortable plane to walk on it. When our first happiness was over, we began to think about return-a long and heavy-going way. The midday is almost over…’.

Abovyan wrote a travellig notes ‘A new ascent to the top of Ararat’. This famous work about the voyage. It is published in ‘Kavkaz’ newspaper in 1847.

Returning to England Seimour published a book about his travelling impressions in London, 1877.

Abovyan travells as well in different places of Armenia with a writer and literary critic A. Muravyov. The main purpose of the voyage was ethnography. Later on in the three-volume work ‘Georgia and Armenia’ Muravyov mentioned about the important facts got from Abovyan.

The last voyage of Abovyan was on 21-28 of September, 1847. On the head of Yerevan distict invitation Abovyan took part in a tour to the ruins of Ani (the capital of Bagratids). The impression on the voyage Abovyan put in the work ‘Journey to the ruins of Ani’. The works contains many important facts, thoughts and phrases. The apart sections of the work testify about geographical rich knowledge of Abovyan.