





In 1814 Khachatour’s parents took Abovyan to Etchmiadzin. At that time  the Catholicos was Yephrem Dzorageghtsy. Archbishop Anton Moughnetsy was Abovyan’s tutor who loved Abovyan as his own child – sparing no effort in bringing him up and giving him proper education.  At the Etchmiadzin Monastic School pupils studied Zhamagirk (the Prayer book), Sharakan (Armenian church songs), ecclesiastical writings, and more talented pupils studied the highest church sciences such as Theology and Interpretation of holy writings. Due to his curiosity Abovyan gained much knowledge here. After finishing the Etchmiadzin Monastic School Abovyan left for Haghpat Monastery, and in 1821 he moved to Tiflis, where he studied at Archimandrite Poghos’ school for two years. 


 The first person who was seriously engaged in  enlightening of the Armenians living in Georgia was N. Ashtaraketsy. Due to his efforts in 1824 a school was founded in Tiflis. The prominent educator Haroutyun Alamdaryan was nominated as an inspector of the school. Abovyan became a pupil of the school.  At school pupils studied Grammar, Oratory, Geography, Persian, Russian, etc. In 1826, finishing the Nersessyan school with excellence, Abovyan left for Haghpat, where Anton Mughnetsy was at that time. He hoped that with help of his tutor he would fulfil his long-standing dream to leave for Venice. As Abovyan said ‘Without being enlightened beforehand it would be impossible to be good for a work’. But his hopes did not come true. In April, the Russo-Persian war began.  After two years Abovyan returned Kanaker, then he went to Etchmiadzin where he took duties of a lector, clerk and interpreter.  


Being in good relations with Parrot, Abovyan informed him about his early dream of getting education in Europe.  The stock of knowledge, the outlook and the experience he had got in Etchmiadzin and Tbilisi were too limited and unsatisfactory to serve to the rank of a national teacher and educator. Due to Parrot`s support on the 3rd of September, 1830 Abovyan was sent to Derpt and studied there for five years. Parrot gave support to Abovyan in all matters. At first Parrot taught him German, and then started the training programme, which had been elaborated especially for him. Parrot took care about Abovyan’s pedagogical experience. With that aim Abovyan attended the teachers’ seminary in Derpt. During the years of study Abovyan studied philosophy, European literature, World history, geography, phsychology, aunthropology, music, logic, geometry, botany, mathematics, agriculture, Latin, French, German, English and other languages, which played an important role in  development of his ideas. He also learned surgery, bookbindery, glassmaking and became skillful in playing some musical instruments.
For his success, future rank and manifested progress the administration of the Derpt University gave him a concise certificate.  During Derpt years he also got acquainted with the prominent painter Ludwig Von Meidel, who is the author of the only life-time portrait of Abovyan. Graduating from the University Abovyan returned to his motherland as an intellectual person with mature ideas and rich knowledge, an organized writer, teacher and enlightener.