Until the first quarter of the 19th century, Ararat’s summit was unreachable. No man has ever been on the biblical summit. As early as in 1701 French biologist Turnefor tried to climb the summit of Ararat, but he did not succeed to reach it. He reached the high-slopes and confined with it.
One of the most important stages in Abovyan’s life is the ascension to the top of Ararat with the professor of Derpt University F. Parrot.
At Parrot’s request Abovyan joined the group as a guide and translator. Militaries Alexey Zdorovenko and Vasili Letishev were among the group. The expedition was launched from village Akory, which was situated on the foot of Masis. On September 10 they started the first ascent to Ararat. They climbed the mountain from eastwards of the mountain. The expedition reached 13.000 feet above sea level, but declivity of the slope made further ascent impossible. They had to find another way. The first failed trial made Parrot prepare for the second ascent more seriously. They made inquiries among the local inhabitants about the best way to reach the top of the mountain. One of the villagers of Akori village – Stepan Khojyan advised them to climb from westwards of the mountain. So on September 18 they started the second ascent. During the ascent, in one of the gorges they collided with a thick icefield of 1.5 m wide and finally reached a flat and a plain rock. Here Parrot was able to study only the origin and the nature of the mountain and take important meteorological notes. It wasn’t suitable to pass the rock, because of bad weather and lack of time. They managed to reach 4591m hight above sea level. 3 hours would be enough to reach the top of the mountain, but the descent would be impossible because of dark and the loss would be inevitable. Six days later, on September 26, early in the morning they started the third аscent. Digging steps with superhuman tolerance, overcoming obstacles the group climbed up the mountain. On September 27, at 1515 they stopped at the height of 16254 feet. Abovyan placed in the eternal ice the wooden cross, made in Etchmiadzin and blessed in Saint Hakob Church.
Using special equipment the group carried on scientific researches. After overcoming Ararat’s summit the first confusion that crept over the members of the expedition and professor Parrot himself was the absence of Noah’s ark, which was hidden under the thick level of snow and ice. The expedition stayed on the top of the mountain nearly half an hour and Abovyan as a memory filled a little bottle with snow and took with him bringing to Etchmiadzin.
A month later, on October 27, they climbed the summit of Little Ararat. The impressions on the Ararat ascension Abovyan later put in the itenerary essay of “Ascention to the Summit of Ararat” (“ Verelq Ararati Gagat”). Unfortunately spiritual leaders criticized Abovyan and Parrot greatly. They named the great patriot betrayal, lawbreaker, who had forgotten the nation and religion, sacrilege, who stepped on the sacred ark.
After Parrots leaving the religious leaders intensified the oppression on Abovyan and a trial was launched, the evidence given by the villagers who had guided the expedition were recognized not true. Those views were denied when in 1834 when Parrot published in Berlin his book “Ascension to the Mountain of Ararat” (“ I Lyarn Ararat”).
Until the first quarter of the 19th century, Ararat’s summit was unreachable. No man has ever been on the biblical summit. As early as in 1701 French biologist Turnefor tried to climb the summit of Ararat, but he did not succeed to reach it. He reached the high-slopes and confined with it.
One of the most important stages in Abovyan’s life is the ascension to the top of Ararat with the professor of Derpt University F. Parrot.
At Parrot’s request Abovyan joined the group as a guide and translator. Militaries Alexey Zdorovenko and Vasili Letishev were among the group. The expedition was launched from village Akory, which was situated on the foot of Masis. On September 10 they started the first ascent to Ararat. They climbed the mountain from eastwards of the mountain. The expedition reached 13.000 feet above sea level, but declivity of the slope made further ascent impossible. They had to find another way. The first failed trial made Parrot prepare for the second ascent more seriously. They made inquiries among the local inhabitants about the best way to reach the top of the mountain. One of the villagers of Akori village – Stepan Khojyan advised them to climb from westwards of the mountain. So on September 18 they started the second ascent. During the ascent, in one of the gorges they collided with a thick icefield of 1.5 m wide and finally reached a flat and a plain rock. Here Parrot was able to study only the origin and the nature of the mountain and take important meteorological notes. It wasn’t suitable to pass the rock, because of bad weather and lack of time. They managed to reach 4591m hight above sea level. 3 hours would be enough to reach the top of the mountain, but the descent would be impossible because of dark and the loss would be inevitable. Six days later, on September 26, early in the morning they started the third аscent. Digging steps with superhuman tolerance, overcoming obstacles the group climbed up the mountain. On September 27, at 1515 they stopped at the height of 16254 feet. Abovyan placed in the eternal ice the wooden cross, made in Etchmiadzin and blessed in Saint Hakob Church.
Using special equipment the group carried on scientific researches. After overcoming Ararat’s summit the first confusion that crept over the members of the expedition and professor Parrot himself was the absence of Noah’s ark, which was hidden under the thick level of snow and ice. The expedition stayed on the top of the mountain nearly half an hour and Abovyan as a memory filled a little bottle with snow and took with him bringing to Etchmiadzin.
A month later, on October 27, they climbed the summit of Little Ararat. The impressions on the Ararat ascension Abovyan later put in the itenerary essay of “Ascention to the Summit of Ararat” (“ Verelq Ararati Gagat”). Unfortunately spiritual leaders criticized Abovyan and Parrot greatly. They named the great patriot betrayal, lawbreaker, who had forgotten the nation and religion, sacrilege, who stepped on the sacred ark.
After Parrots leaving the religious leaders intensified the oppression on Abovyan and a trial was launched, the evidence given by the villagers who had guided the expedition were recognized not true. Those views were denied when in 1834 when Parrot published in Berlin his book “Ascension to the Mountain of Ararat” (“ I Lyarn Ararat”).